Posted in Halloween, Holidays, horror, NaNoWriMo, Tarot, Vampires, writing

Weekly Card – Queen of Wands

Queen of WandsSo this week I had to go with the All Hallows Tarot by Robyn Tisch Hollister. And we have the Queen of Wands. Wands are associated with the element of Fire, and creativity. All Queens are associated with Water, so we have Water (emotion) of Fire (passion, creativity, energy). Competent, strong-willed women who do what they love. The Queens are women of power who have arrived. They’re mature, they’ve achieved both spiritual and professional growth. If you know such a woman, enjoy her company. Perhaps you see a bit of yourself in her.

This week is Hallowe’en, All Hallows Eve, Samhain, Summer’s End. To the ancient Celts it was the New Year.

To those celebrating this as the New Year, a blessed Samhain to you, and all good things for the new year. The wheel turns, celebrate the harvest and a new beginning. Start a new project, pour your creativity into it. I’m about to start new novel for NaNoWriMo, so that’s where all my energy will be going for the next month.

Blessed Be!


Writer of vampire stories and science fiction. First novel, "Revenants Abroad", available now at Amazon. If you like a vampire you can go out drinking with and still respect yourself in the morning, I think you'd like Andrej.

16 thoughts on “Weekly Card – Queen of Wands

  1. Oh Dame, Iove this…and as Marianne Williamson says in A Woman Worth, we’re all Queens. I like when you say…. If you know such a woman, enjoy her company. Perhaps you see a bit of yourself in her. That’s such a sweet aside because there are so many women we meet that brush us softly in some way. You’ve done that for me. I know Nanno is approaching…as Bette Davis said and I’ll paraphrase…fasten your seat belts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride…though exciting 🙂


  2. Hi DD, I like this card very much! I also like what wrote “All Queens are associated with Water, so we have Water (emotion) of Fire (passion, creativity, energy). Competent, strong-willed women who do what they love”.

    I take water as tears and fire of when the tears stop and action is ready to be taking. Nothing can stop that woman now that has been torn down from what ever person or obstacle to make her rise for the world to say watch out! I really love this card and what you wrote. Made me smile. Wish you a great Hallo week.


  3. Best of luck to you on your writings, DD. Wonderful post as always! I known several Queens in my lifetime. And they have all been a pleasure to know. 🙂


  4. Toasting this week of transitions and wishing you godspeed in your upcoming WIP. See you on the flip side.


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