Posted in writing


I think I had one.

I’ve been struggling with the location in my current WIP, and while I find many good things about where I’ve lately plunked my characters down, I think I’m going to be sending them on yet another road trip. This time, the locale is much more familiar. And it has the added bonus of being a good tie-in to slightly more than the germ of an idea for a prequel. Yup, my mind is all over the board on this one, but this actually makes sense. I’ve had this desire to paint a good picture of the history of some of my characters, how they came to be who they are, that will reach back in time but I’m not sure how far yet.

Anyway, it feels good to know where they’re going next and why. This is turning into a far more mobile cast of characters than I had originally envisioned.

My imagination is in overdrive now, I think I just found my protagonist’s main motivation. Of course this means rewriting more than a bit of what I’ve already got but that’s ok.