Posted in art, NaNoWriMo, Vampires, writing

Hi Diddle-dee-dee, the NaNo Life for Me

Call me crazy, but I’m going to sign up for NaNoWriMo again this year. Why, you ask? Because I need to get back in the groove of writing every day. Yes, I know, I can hear you saying “What about all that whining about no time to write?” Nothing has changed on that front, I haven’t magically been able to extend my days, but somehow or other I have to do it anyway. Either that or I might as well just throw in the towel and give up writing altogether. Eh, who am I kidding? I could no more give up writing than I could swim from Cuba to Miami. I don’t have to force ideas to come; they fly at me from every angle all day long. Then they ooze out into journals and notebooks and electronic documents. I should probably burn some of those old journals, now that I think about it. Anybody got a match?

The reason I’m willing go once more unto the breach, dear friends, is I’m just about done with the first of the vampire novels which I’m hoping to stretch it into a trilogy, if not a series, and I’m ready to start the second one. Outlining and plotting have already begun. I’ve even got the backstory done for one of the new characters and I love her. I need to flesh out a couple of the others, and I’m sure more will walk on stage as I go.

If only I could afford to work part-time, that would solve everything. Well, all my time-related writing issues anyway. I wonder if I could write hanging partly upside down.… Seems somehow fitting for a vampire novel. I expect to be largely absent from Twitter for the duration, and may have to let the blog slide as well, even foregoing the weekly card pulls. I remember the early days of this blog when there’d be days I’d put up three posts (albeit short ones) in a single day. Those days are gone.

So if I’m not around much for the next couple of months it’s because I’ll be plotting and outlining in October, and come November I’m off to NaNo Land, that magical kingdom where dreams roam free and reality takes a sabbatical.

Romance Comes Down Out of Hilly Woodlands, by Sidney Sime