Posted in Tarot

Some Tarot Eye-Candy

OhmygodohmygodohmyGAWD!! You have to see this! It’s a “Lovers” Card I just found on deviantART, by an artist who goes by “bluefooted“. If he/she doesn’t do an entire Tarot deck, I may have to throw myself from the highest parapet in the land.

You can click it for an even larger view. I am in love. :::swoons:::




Writer of vampire stories and science fiction. First novel, "Revenants Abroad", available now at Amazon. If you like a vampire you can go out drinking with and still respect yourself in the morning, I think you'd like Andrej.

14 thoughts on “Some Tarot Eye-Candy

  1. I – heartily – second that “OhmygodohmygodohmyGAWD!!” and swooning! Maybe if we constantly harass the artist, they’ll continue with the deck? And by “harass” I mean “gently encourage” *clears throat*


  2. Heh πŸ™‚ I did hit the little button to ‘request a print’, and left a comment. Hopefully the artist, bluefooted, will get the not-so-subtle hint. And as he/she pointed out on the DA site, it’s a deliberately six-legged octopus, so maybe a sextopus? πŸ˜‰ Seems fitting for the Lovers card, although I’m not sure that was the reason.


  3. This is beautiful! It reminds me of the H.P. Lovecraft movie Dagon. The very ending of the movie is a photo scene similar to this. You must see the movie if you have not to see the slight difference.


  4. Well, I, for one, couldn’t resist googling “sextopus”. πŸ˜‰

    *clears throat*

    Ah the card. That is gorgeous. The circular lines remind me a bit of Art Nouveau.


  5. HAhahaha! My imagination is going into overdrive here πŸ˜‰

    I love the shading and the depth (pardon the pun) of the detail on this. There are so many decks out there with really really bad artwork, it’s so exciting to see someone with extraordinary talent turn their attention to Tarot (I think I used up my quota of “T’s” in that sentence). I wish with every fiber of my being the artist would do at least a set of the Majors.


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