Posted in fantasy, horror, Vampires, writing

Andrej’s moving in

The first shipment of his furniture arrived today:

It’s bigger than I expected, actually. It’s 1/12 scale (1″ to 1′). The giant red Christmas ball there is one inch in diameter. I don’t know where I’m going to put it, probably just keep the two in their boxes until I get some kind of display set up. I can almost hear my mother yelling at me for wasting money on this stuff. Sorry, Mom, this is only the beginning.

I can just see Andrej sprawled out there, shirtless, smoking a cigarette. He’d better not burn a hole in the leather… It’s real leather, too, so soft! Quick, someone shrink me so I can sit on it! Where’s Rick Moranis when you need him?


Writer of vampire stories and science fiction. First novel, "Revenants Abroad", available now at Amazon. If you like a vampire you can go out drinking with and still respect yourself in the morning, I think you'd like Andrej.

32 thoughts on “Andrej’s moving in

  1. Yep. Those look plush. Would be nice to shrink and get bigger at will, imagine how much cheaper furniture of such caliber is compared to the 100% size! Maybe you could tell your mom that?


    1. Heh heh πŸ™‚ Unfortunately, Mom passed away a few years ago, but her influence on me is eternal! She didn’t believe in spending a plug nickel if she didn’t have to. Oh well, I’m not quite that frugal πŸ˜‰ Thanks for visiting, Kaitlyn, nice to meet you!


  2. Thanks, Lora! I’m still looking for instructions to make the parquet flooring. It seems there are kits you can buy, but I’m looking for a more do-it-yourself method. I expect they don’t sell flooring tiles this tiny at Home Depot πŸ˜‰

    Thanks, Tasha. Part of me does think it’s a waste of money. The money’s not paying bills or being saved, so it seems frivolous (thanks, Mom). Especially with the holidays coming up now, the money could have been better spent, but it’s done. I did have a panicked moment of “buyer’s remorse” after I got them, but I admit I grinned everytime I looked at the little pieces, as I envisioned Andrej and Anne-Marie sitting there, having one of their barb-laced conversations πŸ˜‰


  3. Thanks, Lora! I saw the Greenleaf site, I think they only sell kits there. I’ll take a look at the first one.

    Ooo, they sell kits, too, but boy are they pretty! Thanks again!


  4. The photo inspires a the idea of a tiny vampire who celebrates the mortals’ holiday by dragging one giant ornament into his lair, and rolling it around to different sponts in the apartment until after the holiday. It wouldn’t be Andre’ – just maybe a tiny cousin from another dimension.


  5. ROFL!!! That’s hysterical πŸ™‚ Actually I could have Andrej do something weird like that to mess with Anne-Marie, he’s got kind of a warped sense of humor. I can see a fabulous argument/verbal volleyball match between them over whether or not Santa Claus is real πŸ˜€


    1. If you want to bat ideas around, I’ll tke Anrdej’s role – I’m assuming that A-M, the pragmatic one, would be the skeptic, and Andrey, who’s immortal himself, would entertain the possibility of Santa’s existence


  6. This is going to sound weird, but I like the little set-up your have in the photo b/c it reminds me of a talk show…. got your greenery over behind the host’s chair and a little bit of holiday cheer. The brass lamp base looks like an architectural detail of the studio. I can just picture Andrej having a nice little chat with Charlie Rose or some other erudite pundit.


    1. Ooooh, I had one of those on my dresser/shrine; very close to #12 in design. They’re woven with ridiculously thin thread; you can get lost in the detail. One more thing to drag across the ocean when I get the opportunity!


  7. OMG!!! This is just too much fun. Back in the last 80’s there was a ye olde timey stationery store near my office and they had this little refrigerator that was really full of teeny tiny office supplies. I wish I had a photo of it — but it was retro pink, no bigger that 7″ tall, and inside were 3 eggs (erasers), 2 stalks of celery (pens), a pineapple that was a stapler, push pin fruits and some veggie paper clips. Everybody who came into my work space had to play with it…. and when I eventually brought it home, it got lost in the family shuffle…. but I still think about it to this day. Enjoy your new hobby!


  8. I wish I could have seen that! πŸ™‚ This is a whole new world to me, I had no idea there were so many miniature aficianados and so many amazing mini creations. I’m on the hunt for a nice mini baby grand piano, which features in the novel, but not in the apartment. I’ll have to do a separate set up for that. I suppose I should concentrate on one at a time, though or I’ll never get anywhere.

    And if you ever find the mini fridge you have to put up pics! πŸ˜€


  9. Does Andre’ like sushi? B/C I was in the craft store today and they were selling little rubber erasers in the shape of sushi


  10. Is it setting for your Vampire Novel in England? I’m sure that a fresh batch of Blood Pudding could be made. Or, they could go to the local grocer and buy a box of instant…just add blood. πŸ˜€


  11. Hi Melissa! πŸ™‚ It’s a new hobby for me, but I’m loving it. I still want to learn how to make tiny books that can actually be read. Naturally I gravitate to the most difficult things…


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